Thursday, 30 September 2010

Yahoo! Mail in danger!

This morning as usual I logged in to my Yahoo! Mail account. But before I can logged in, I received a warning message from Yahoo as my account has been detected to be compromised by unknown party. An account is considered “compromised” when someone knows your password and has logged in to your account without your permission.

I think it will be good to share the message here, because it is kind of important thing that should be known by all email users to keep their account privacy. Details can be found at:

Password Help

Last Updated: November 12, 2009
Yahoo! strongly recommends that you change your Yahoo! login password if your Yahoo! account has been compromised. We suspect that the people who compromise the security of Yahoo! accounts will use them to send spam. These unwanted messages can be sent to the contacts saved in your Yahoo! account services: Yahoo! Messenger, Yahoo! Mail, and Yahoo! Profiles.
If you believe your account has been compromised, you should change your password immediately.
To make it easier to remember passwords, it is common for people to use the same or similar passwords on each system, such as their birthday or the name of their pet or relative. Simple passwords make it easier for others to guess them. Some people use automated programs that run through common words to guess passwords.
If someone gains access to your email account, they can pretend to be you and send mail to your contacts asking them to send you money or divulge other personal information. They can read all of your email, and in the process, discover a lot about your finances if you have electronic statements delivered to your email. Also, if they know your email password, they can try to use it to access your online banking and other accounts. When you use the same password for more than one account, you make it easier for someone to break into all of your accounts.
To make it more difficult for someone to guess your password or prevent them from guessing it, we recommend that you create strong passwords. Doing so helps keep your accounts secure and safe from prying eyes.
Here are some common questions and answers about compromised accounts.
A. For a password to be strong, follow these tips:
  • Don’t use the same password for more than one website.
  • Don’t use the same password you have used before on this site.
  • Avoid using a complete word or name.
  • Use at least 7 characters—the more the better but no more than 31 characters.
  • Use a combination of characters from each of the following groups:
  • Don’t use personal information that someone could easily figure out, and don’t use your Yahoo! ID in any form (reversed, capitalized, doubled, and so forth).
  • You can learn more about choosing a strong password by reviewing the information at the Yahoo! Security Center.

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Keep me humble

Alhamdulillah, recently I have chance to spend much time on reading blogs. I have visited a blog of a friend and found a very beautiful video which I attached down here. The video recorded a talk given by Ustadz Nouman Ali Khan about Ego.

I have learned so much from this video. I have realized that there are a lot of things about myself to be improved, before I can reach Allah's pleasure.

So, I really recommend you to watch this video till the end. I know it is hard to stay about one hour listening to a recording talk, but as you know, Allah count every effort that you do for His sake.

Short conclusion from me is ego and sincerity to Allah won't go along together forever. You just can not be purely sincere to Allah, even if you have only one dot of ego in your heart.

Enjoy the video and I would like to know your conclusion too.

Lastly, keep on learning to improve our worship to Allah. May Allah always guide us to obey Him.

Saturday, 25 September 2010

Bicara cinta kakak

tadi sebelum mata kita bertautan 
hati kakak sebenarnya berdebar kencang
bimbang kalau kedatangan kakak ini
bakal merobek amanmu
kerana kunjungan kakak ini tiba-tiba
bukan diundang, bukan dijemput

saat kakak menjengahkan wajah
riak wajahmu jelas girang
seakan susuk ini sangat kau nanti sekian lama
mesra bicaramu menyapaku adik
sukar dipercaya yang kita baru berkenalan
ternyata kerisauan tadi sia-sia
kakak terlupa barangkali
bahawa kau insan yang ditarbiyyah

mendengar kau petah berbicara
tentang dakwah dan tarbiyyah
penuh semangat tiada ragu
menyusun strategi mengorak langkah
agar matlamat kita bisa jadi nyata
sungguh kakak sangat gembira
setiap teletahmu bagai bunga-bunga
mekar penuh warna di taman hati
harum bunga itu bagai terapi jiwa
menenangkan, membahagiakan

sukar mencari ketenangan seperti ini
saat bertemu adik kandung sendiri
melihat adik masih akrab dengan fantasi dunia
masih alpa bermain dalam dunia sempit
sungguh kakak sangat bimbang
bimbang adik akan terus hanyut
bimbang kakak akan terikut
kerana memang sifat tarikan syaitan
beribu kali ganda lebih mudah melekat ke hati
berbanding tarikan iman

kebimbangan yang menggunung ini
rasanya sudah meletus menjadi amarah
menghamburkan lava panas yang memusnahkan sabar
acap benar kakak melenting
sehingga keakraban dicemari retak
kakak mohon maaf atas kesilapan ini
kakak akan belajar lagi
agar lebih ikhlas dan berhikmah dalam berusaha
dan lebih bertawakkal pada Allah dalam menanti

Adikku semuanya
tempatmu dihatiku sangat istimewa
khas untuk orang-orang
yang kucintai hanya kerana Allah
cinta ini tidak dibatasi dunia yang sementara
cinta ini luas hingga ke akhirat yang abadi
tapi cinta kakak ini tetap kerdil
tidak mampu memberikan
setiap apa yang kau cita dan cinta

Adikku semuanya
semoga Allah tak akan pernah henti
menganugerahkan kau dan aku
hidayah dan taufiq-Nya
disepanjang perjuangan hidup kita
agar dipenghujung perjuangan ini
ada cinta Allah yang menanti
yang pasti akan menunaikan
cita dan cinta kita

Maaf, tiada gambar adik dalam simpanan. Yang ada hanya gambar kucing kesayangan mereka.

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Ini Iman

Alhamdulillah, today I have spent some time for reading. I would like to share some quotes here..
Oleh itu semakin kukuh iman ini melekat dalam jiwa seseorang, semakin tekun ia mengikuti hukum Allah dan menjauhi larangan-Nya. la bergegas menuju kebajikan dan mengerjakan apa yang diperintah oleh Allah sekalipun di dalam gelap mahupun bersendirian. Di hadapan matanya sentiasa terbayang pengadilan tinggi yang hampir dan tidak ada orang yang dapat melepaskan diri daripada pemeriksaan-Nya.  
Iman kepada Allah menjadi syarat pertama dan paling utama untuk menjadikan seseorang manusia itu Muslim kerana seorang Muslim ialah hamba yang taat dan patuh hanya kepada Allah SWT.

sifatnya turun naik

Kalau ia sedang naik
maka senang nak buat baik

Kalau sedang turun
nafsu jadi kawan baik kita

Kita yang berusaha
menentukan turun naiknya

Monday, 20 September 2010

The art of marketing

Experience is a great teacher

My experience as a promoter has opened my eyes to something important to be noted. Basically, the roles of a promoter are to promote product/s to customers, explain all about the product/s, create demand for the product/s if it isn't there, and answer all questions from customers. 

On the first few days of my working, of course I didn't know much about products that I was going to sale. Even though the seniors already mention to me about the products, but since it was done briefly, the information that I get didn't cover everything that I should know. Even worse, I can't remember everything that has been explained. Furthermore, I have no experience in using those products. So, frankly my knowledge about the products was extremely limited.

So at that time, the thing that scared me the most was when customers asking me about the products. Urggghh it's really terrible. They always asked questions that I had never imagine, and of course I don't really know or really don't know the answer. Thus, my responses were either answering with uncertainty, like "maybe...", 'I think..." and "If I not mistaken...", or being the mediator by passing the questions to the seniors. As the consequence, the customer felt doubt about the product or unsatisfied with the explanation. Because of this, convincing customer was really hard to be accomplished by me.

As time passing by, I was improved. For this, other than the seniors, I also have to thank to customers who accelerate my learning progress. Now, I know more about the products and the values to be delivered through the products. As my knowledge increased, so my confidence.

But for some reason, I didn't believe in some values that try to be specially delivered by some products, so that they can be more advanced in term of that values compare to other products equivalent. One day, a customer ask for further explanation about one of the values that I didn't believe in. I supposedly tried to convince the customer that the value is superior to make the product very unique compare to those without the value. However, because my disbelief in the value was so strong that I couldn't help myself to answer something like ""This value is supposed to make this product better than those equivalent product without the same value", instead of confidently answer "This value make this product better". At the end, the customer was also infected with my disbelief in the value - perhaps if the company knew what I was doing, they will fired me immediately!

The art of marketing a product

Through this precious experience, I learned the secret of successfully marketing a product. First, we should extremely know and understand well about our product. Second is to believe in the product to deliver its values. Please note that to believe or to disbelieve, both are your belief.

Islam is my product

As a Muslim who seek Allah's pleasure, Islam is the product that I should market to the whole world. So now is the time to work hard to improve my knowledge, understanding and faith!

Friday, 17 September 2010

My self-reflection

I have a list of reasons
to put blogging as a must
for myself
I always like this
even though I really want to
without the push of others
I just can't push myself

I can stand for whole day
sacrifice my lunch and rest time
to complete a very tough assignment
even though my brain was seemed to burst
and my body was shouting for a break
cause I know
the lecturer was going to fail me
if I didn't put enough effort on it

I can give myself an applause
for whole morning doing housekeeping
even though it was really tiring
that I felt like sleeping for the whole day
cause I know
later when people see
my hard work
they will give me a big smile

But this is not the case
for things that I couldn't see directly
the appreciation of others
or the bad ending of my doings
this might be the reason
why I always put an excuse
to keep delaying a new post to my blog

Those excuses like
"I'm so buzy"
"I'm tired"
"I have no idea"
"I'm not in the mood"
I already used them all
until at the end
there's no more excuse left
except the truth
"I'm lazy!"

Now that I'm looking back
when I can't see people's appreciation to my good doings
I will be disappointed and miserable
and may be this is the answer
for why building up a better relationship with people
is easier to me
compared to the relationship with Allah
cause I concern more about what people think
rather than Allah's

This self-reflection
make me realize
I have a serious problem with my sincerity to Allah
and if I continue like this
I have nothing to save me from the hell fire

I shouldn't waste my time regretting the past
because the time keeps moving and never once stop
I should make my first step to be a better servant of Allah
Hoping that I still have enough time for it
Hoping that my life will has a happy ending
Hoping that I won't regret with what I have done
I should be more strict to myself
and work extremely harder!

AL-KAHF, 18: 103-104

O reader
If you read this post
please pray the best for me
and I wish you too
have a very good life
now and afterlife
ameen =)